Heritage Open Day returns to Colchester for another popular pair of weekends between the 11th and 19th September 2021, when the doors to Colchester’s heritage attractions are flung open and residents and visitors alike are invited to explore the secrets and stories contained within. Highlights include a free open day at Colchester Castle, free guided tours
The Society’s efforts to remove the irritating cable ties used to fasten notices to lampposts etc. across Colchester continues. Another 1000 have been handed to CBC for recycling. We’ve now collected over 5000 in a campaign to rid our streets of these plastic eyesores.
Litter pickers in Colchester find 110 face masks and broken bicycles This was the headline in the Colchester Gazette following the Civic Society’s Great British Spring Clean Litter Pick. It explains that: “Colchester Civic Society volunteers collected a total of 45 bags during Keep Britain Tidy’s annual Great British Spring Clean event. This was more
NEW INTERPRETATION BOARD AT ST. BOTOLPH’S PRIORY This new board was unveiled today following a joint project between Colchester Civic Society, Colchester and Ipswich Museum Service and Colchester Borough Council. This is the first of two projects intended to raise knowledge and interest in the Priory and its grounds. The Interpretation Board explains the significance
LITTER PICK ON THURSDAY 3RD JUNE AT GREYFRIARS HOTEL at 10am This year’s Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean, branded the “MillionMilesMission”, takes place from 28 May to 13 June. The goal is to clean up a million miles of UK streets, coastline, parks, footpaths, and neighbourhoods. Due to the COVID situation KBT advises against
The Essex Highways Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan consultation is one of a number of consultations being conducted under the banner of Safer Greener Healthier. The Essex Highways Site explains that: Essex has been awarded over £7million of government funding to develop safer, greener and healthier travel and transport locally as part of the Phase
Packs of paint and equipment are now being distributed to the four teams who will be repainting cast iron lampposts in four areas of the town this year. During 2021 The Irvine Area Residents Association will be organizing volunteers to carry out restoration work on the cast iron posts in Athelstan, Irvine, Capel and Audley
Written for us by Bob Russell, the article printed in the Gazette on Tuesday 10th August and reproduced below, explains that the painting of some of Colchester’s Cast Iron lampposts has almost been completed in Roman and Castle Road. The Irvine Road Area Residents Association are now planning to follow on and repaint the lampposts
The long running saga of the application to build 120 flats in blocks on land to the west of Brook Street was passed at a Planning Meeting on June18 2020, having been recommended for approval by the Planning Department. The application dates back to the 7th January 2019 and has undergone various stages of alteration
Public Right of Way 93 at the eastern end of Meander Mews, takes you alongside Cowdray Marsh Wildlife Site on a 2-metre wide tarmac footway between the River Colne and Cowdray Avenue. 300 metres on from where PROW 93 meets Cowdray Avenue, the footway ends abruptly at a piece of unregistered land approximately 100 metres