East Anglian Civic Societies Meeting At Firstsite

Colchester Civic Society hosted a meeting at Firstsite on Saturday 5th October for representatives of Civic Societies from across East Anglia. This was the fourth in what we hope will be an ongoing series of meetings where we seek to learn and support oneanother in our efforts to improve the towns we live in.


Badgers at Fingringhoe Wick

Our social program again this year included evening visits to Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve to watch a badger clan. Just four people are admitted each time along with a volunteer warden. You get to sit in an armchair in a hide and watch the badgers feeding through the large windows. A very special evening. The


St. Botolph’s Open Day and Market

Colchester Civic Society will have a stand and a version of our Wishing Wall at the St. Botolph’s Open Day and Market on Saturday 21st September. Please come and say hello And make a wish for Colchester. All wishes will be passed on to Colchester Council.


St. Botolph’s Roundabout proposals – Our response

Our comments on Essex Highways St Botolphs Circus Final Masterplan  proposals for changes to St. Botolph’s Roundabout in Colchester. The current proposal, by Essex Highways own admission is a short to medium term change which will cause major disruption to a key part of the town’s road network while the work is carried out; and


Keep Britain Tidy

Colchester Civic Society members played their part in yesterday’s Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean. They collected 21 sacks of rubbish, 5 discarded oil containers, 4 cones and a stack of yellow buckets.


Telephone Boxes

Back in November we appealed for help from the public to report to us any telephone boxes in need of repair. Here is an update from our chairperson Jo Edwards, as published in the Colchester newspapers this week.   On behalf of Colchester Civic Society, I recently wrote to ask the town’s residents for information