
Our Highways Work

The society takes a keen interest in all highways matters in the Colchester area, including all plans for new roads, cycle lanes and major redevelopments such as St. Botolph's Circus, plus issues reported to us by Colchester residents regarding local roads, pavements, signage etc.

Reporting Issues To Highways

 If you have concerns over roads, pavements, blocked drains, roadside trees, street lighting and street signage, then we ask in the first instance that you report them direct to Essex County Highways by using the Reporting Tool provided for this purpose on the Essex County Highways Website. Here is the link:

 You might also wish to report directly to your County Councillor, who may take up the issue on your behalf. A new initiative has been launched in which each county councillor will be able use a repair crew in their area for up to 10 days, working to the list County Councillors will provide. Their work will be focused on some of the most locally irritating potholes which may not normally be considered for immediate repair under existing maintenance policies. Follow this link to find your County Councillor.

Responding To Highways Consultations


This has not always been easy or straight forward, principally because the views of our members are so broad and diverse. The challenge for the society has been to contribute to the consultations without taking sides. This has resulted in the creation of a Highways subcommittee whose remit is twofold.

  • The committee assists in the effectiveness of the consultations by helping local community groups, churches, and businesses to participate in Highways Consultations.
  • The committee also looks closely at proposals and provides feedback directly to the Highways design team, with a view to helping to produce the best possible design, but without passing judgement on the overall merits of the scheme under consideration This allows us to play an active part in the evolution of designs by raising objections or concerns over specific aspects of a scheme. But it also enables us to advocate for additional elements.

With the development of plans for the rebuilding of St. Botolph’s Circus for instance we  proposed the inclusion of  crossings at the Mersea Road Junction with St. Botolph’s roundabout and also for a crossing on the Southway junction with the roundabout. Both of which are now part of the plans under development. Additionally we advocated strongly for the separation of cyclists and pedestrians.

Our work on Highways Consultations in recent years has largely been in response to the  Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP),  and The St. Botolph’s Roundabout Proposals. 

We have monitored the major developments of A120/A133 link Road and Rapid transit System. But have not been actively involved in responding to these developments.