There was a good turn out for the meeting with Kevin Bentley at Greyfriars yesterday evening, standing room only for many people. Representatives from local businesses and organisations were invited along with the residents of Roman and Castle Road and Greyfriars Court.
The outcome:
- The meeting was informed that the traffic island at Lewis Gardens is to be installed next week and signs will be put up at Roman Road to try to discourage vehicles turning here instead. We do not know yet what this sign will say, but it will have no legal standing and vehicles will be allowed to turn here. The two engineers present took away copies of the Roman and Castle Road Residents Association survey, which shows 10% of vehicles currently entering Roman Road are turning to circumvent the bus lane.
- Kevin Bentley stated that Priory Street will not have the traffic reversed.
- Kevin Bentley agreed to investigate whether there is any evidence to show that the Queen Street Bus Lane is effective in reducing town centre traffic and pollution levels. But declined at this point to go as far as suspending the bus lane to establish whether or not it achieves its purpose.
- A follow up meeting has been promised in six months time.
- The meeting was interrupted at one point while we watched a Coach doing a turn in the entrance to Lewis Gardens!
A follow up survey will be conducted in September by Roman and Castle Road Residents Association to measure the changes to the number of vehicles entering and turning in Roman and Castle Road; and also make sure Highways are informed of the results.
Thanks to Lee Scordis for the photo. Thanks to Simon Crow for organising the meeting. And thanks to Kevin Bentley for listening to what we all had to say.
Our conclusion: most people remained unconvinced by the argument that the Queen Street bus lane is an important part over the larger plan intended to discourage people from driving. It is pedestrians and cyclists who have been suffering the consequences here. And now the residents of Roman and Castle Road will also be directly affected.
Standing room only