The incredible saga of the John Ball commemorative plaque has, after many years, finally reached it’s conclusion. Removed from the wall of a house in John Ball Walk at the request of the resident, the plaque was put into store and then lost. After a long search by the Society, it was finally located and a new site for it was sought. Easier said than done. The Society arranged for the plaque to be restored by stonemasons Collins and Curtis Masonry Ltd, who, extremely kindly, refused payment. Libby Kirkby-Taylor from CBC and Geoff Beales from CBH then worked with the Society to find a suitable place for it. Meanwhile, the plaque, once again, went missing! However, all’s well that ends well and the plaque, on a new, purpose built, stand, is now back, exactly where it should be! The Society would like to acknowledge the very generous donation from one of it’s members, which went a long way towards the cost of reinstating this memorial to one of the most important men in the history of our town – and our country. A formal re-unveiling of the plaque will take place soon.
“When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?”